20 Jun Valuables and Collectibles Insurance.
When was the last time you had your jewellery valued? And what about that fine art collection in your home or office boardroom? Whether you have the odd piece or a truckload, chances are your precious items are worth a lot more than you think.
Fine art is not just limited to paintings and works on paper. All manner of Collectibles fall under this heading, including sculptures, porcelain, jade, photographs, tapestries, sports and other memorabilia, vintage clothing, antiquarian books and manuscripts, antiques, stamps, coins, vintage clocks, finely crafted musical instruments and wine.
Like any other item of value, it’s important that your Collectibles are properly covered in case of theft, fire or other misfortune. Although no amount of money may replace your prized collection, it can help you to rebuild it. First and foremost, insuring your collection involves talking to your broker. Find out whether or not your precious items are covered under your current policy and if not, how best to get proper cover.
You’ll need the services of a professional valuer to assess and confirm a true value but their fee will prove to be negligible in the event of an insurable event further down the track, especially if your collection is of significant value. A written appraisal will prove the worth of your valuables.
Your policy may require you to photograph and/or video your entire collection but do it anyway, it will make a future claim an easy process. If possible, make sure that the date stamp is imprinted on the photo(s) or displayed on the video. This will help to prove the authenticity of the images if necessary in the future. Include images of yourself wearing the jewellery or show an art piece in-situ in your home or office
As a final step to documenting your collection, take a written inventory of each piece, including a detailed description. Once you have all of the necessary paperwork and information gathered store the appraisal, your insurance policy and any written, photographed or video documentation relating to your collection in a safe place easily accessible by you, your family or associates.
While the documenting process may seem like a lot of work now, it will prove to be worthwhile if an event results in the loss of your collection. You may never need to make a claim but the process will provide you with great peace of mind just knowing that it is there.